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BA in Music: Composition Track

To declare a music major in the Composition Track, students must first take MUS 121 Theory and Analysis I, and one semester of MUS 349R Composition. Upon completion of these two courses, refer to the Declaring a Music Major & Advising page for more information, and submit a portfolio for approval by the Composition faculty.

Because space is limited in required Composition courses (MUS 349) each semester, students interested in pursuing a Composition Major should contact the Composition Faculty (Dr. Adam Mirza and Dr. Katherine Young) as early as possible to convey their interest.

Before enrolling in MUS 349 for the first semester, students will be asked to submit 1-3 short work samples (scores, recordings, electronic pieces, midi realizations are all fine), along with a 250-word statement about their interest in composition and musical background. If students do not have work samples, the statement will suffice. Students should also schedule an introductory meeting with Dr. Mirza or Dr. Young.

We look forward to creating new music with you at Emory!

Please be in touch with any questions by contacting Dr. Adam Mirza or Dr. Katherine Young.

Theory/Analysis (18 hrs)

  • MUS 120 (1 credit)
  • MUS 121 (4 credits)
  • MUS 122
  • MUS 222
  • MUS 221 or MUS 245

Composition (17 hrs)

  • MUS 349R (6 credits)
  • MUS 445 Orchestration (3 credits)
  • MUS 347 Electronic Music (3 credits)
  • Composition Electives (5 credits)
    • MUS 230 Media Composition
    • MUS 235 Improvisation Laboratory
    • MUS 265 Hip Hop Composition
    • MUS 367 Computer Music Composition
    • MUS 384 Live Electronic Music
    • Or any composition-related MUS 270, 370, or 470 Special Topics courses.

History/Culture (6 hrs)

  • MUS 200 Music, Culture, and Society
  • Choose one additional course in History and Culture

Performance (4 hrs)

  • Choose any combination of MUS 300 Ensembles and/or 301 courses, and/or MUS 320 Applied Music

(Past Special Topics courses include Recording and Editing, and Film Composition.)

Optional: If approved, a student may present a recital of original compositions during the junior or senior year. For an honors recital, see Honors Program guidelines for detailed information.